Wayne State UNIVERSITY - Old Main Preservation Corner

4841 Cass Avenue, 1st floor Foyer of Old Main
Detroit, MI 48201

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NOEL NIGHT HOURS: 5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.

Fun and Discovery at Every Age!

This year Old Main will have fun activities, and something to discover for everyone at any age! A few of the exciting programs will include museums, live performances, hands-on activities, and Santa Claus!

Stop by Old Main to experience the culture, science, and Holiday cheer Wayne State has to offer. WSU Athletics and DOSO's Campus Activities Team will be facilitating family programming on the main floor!

5:30-6:30 p.m. - Great Lakes Taiko - Raion Taiko performs on the lawn of Old Main

Raion Taiko “sound of thunder” drummers embrace the Rhythms of rain and Energy of light to create Song on the soundscapes of Japanese Taiko drumming. During stormy times in Life, our collective Love of Taiko Empowers us to be superheroes in our own Stories, uplifted by the strength of our Community, imagining the World we want to live in Together… This is Why We Drum!